Tools. BCSCmd.EXE command line tool

Bopup Communication Server comes with BCSCmd.exe command line utility which allows to send News messages and deliver instant messages to users and messaging groups from a command line interface. Using this tool you can connect to the IM server and send messages from external and third-party applications, scripts and batch files.

BCSCmd.exe file is installed within Bopup Communication Server and placed into it's program folder. In order to send messages you should specify command line parameters and arguments including name of user accounts, messaging groups or/and News messages and a text of message to send. To display supported command line arguments just launch the BCSCmd.exe file with /? or /h arguments or simply with no parameters.

Use the following switches to run the program from a command line interface:

bcscmd.exe [OPTIONS]
[/N news message]   - Name of existing News message to send.
[/G user group]     - Name of existing user group to send message to.
[/U user]           - Name of existing user account to send message to.
[/M "message"]      - Text of message to send (for /G and /U switches).
[/OFFLINE]          - Save the message as offline for delayed delivery if some from recipients are not available.
[/URGENT]           - Deliver message with urgent priority (for /G and /U switches).

Bopup Communication Server version x.x.xx.xxxx command line utility.
(C) 2000-2011 B Labs. All rights reserved.

Please remember the following rules on sending instant messages from a command line interface:

  • If the name of News message or User group contains a space then use quotation marks;
  • /M, /URGENT and /OFFLINE switches are valid only if you send messages to users and groups. They have no effect when you send News messages;


This example shows sending News message with the "News1" name from the communication server:

bcscmd.exe /N News1

This example shows sending instant message to multiple users with specifying text of the message, offline delivery and urgent options:

bcscmd.exe /U administrator /U guest /U billy /M "This instant message sent from a command line" /URGENT /OFFLINE

This example shows sending instant message to a user, messaging group and initiating News message:

bcscmd.exe /U administrator /G Group1 /M "This is message for users and groups" /N News2