Available Extended Codes

The error codes provided in the table below returned in the ReturnCode parameter by functions of the IServerClientVB interface. To get a description for the error code on run-time use the IServerClientVB::GetEventDescription function.

The constants below are defined within VBResultCode enum defined in the CSCLIENTLib workspace.

List of Event Codes

SUCCESSOperation is successful
TIMEOUT_EXPIREDOperation timeout was expired. Try to perform the operation again.
UNKNOWN_ERRORUnknown error returned. Try to perform the operation again.
SQL_ERRORSQL error was occurred on the IM server. Try to perform the operation again.
SECURE_ERROREncryption error was returned by the client module or by the IM server. Try to perform the operation again.
INTERNAL_ERRORUnknown internal error occurred on the client or on the IM server. Try to perform the operation again.
CANNOT_CONNECTThe IM server is not found or is not running. Check the server address and try to connect to the server again.
SEND_ERRORNetwork error occurred while sending the data. Try to perform the operation again.
RECEIVE_ERRORNetwork error occurred while receiving the data. Try to perform the operation again.
PROTOCOL_ERRORCurrent protocol version on the client is not compatible with the IM server. Update the client or the IM server software.
CANNOT_STARTError occurred while initializing internal message loop on the IM client.
CONNECTION_LIMIT_ERRORCurrent connection cannot be accepted by the IM server because it's software license does not support such number of concurrent users.
LICENSE_EXPIRED_ERRORThe software license on the IM server expired.
PACKAGE_UPDATEAn update for the client software will be sent from the IM server.
SERVER_BUSYThe IM server is currently busy and it cannot accept the request at this time. Try to perform the operation again.
AUTHENTICATION_ERRORAuthentication error. Check the user name and password.
AUTHENTICATION_WINDOWSAuthorization via Windows Authentication is required to connect to the IM server.
AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORDAuthorization via login and password is required to connect to the IM server.
AUTHENTICATION_SIMPLESimple authentication is required to connect to the IM server.
INVALID_PARAM_ERRORInvalid parameters are passed to the function.
NOT_CONNECTED_ERRORThe IM client is not currently connected to the IM server to perform the request.
ALREADY_CONNECTED_ERRORThe IM client is already connected to the IM server
NOT_SUPPORTED_ERRORThe IM client does not support the request.
SESSION_INVALIDCurrent session with the IM server is invalid. Disconnect and connect to the IM server again.
ACCOUNT_INVALIDUser account was not found on the IM server.
ACCOUNT_INVALID_MAY_CREATEUser account was not found on the IM server but it is possible to create account from the IM client.
ACCOUNT_DISABLEDUser account is disabled on the IM server.
ACCOUNT_READONLYUser account is set as read-only on the IM server and cannot be changed by the user.
ACCOUNT_REMOTE_INVALIDRemote user account was not found on the IM server.
ACCOUNT_REMOTE_DISABLEDRemote user account is disabled on the IM server.
ACCOUNT_INVALID_MAY_CREATE_EMAILUser account was not found on the IM server but it is possible to create account based on user's e-mail address from the IM client.
ACCOUNT_MULTIPLE_LOGONSSession with the IM server cannot be established because another session with the same user account is already active on remote computer.
ACCOUNT_EXISTSUser account cannot be created from the IM client because it already exists on the IM server.
GROUP_INVALIDSpecified messaging group was not found on the IM server.
GROUP_NOT_EXISTSpecified messaging group is not assigned to current user.
GROUP_NO_PERMISSIONUser has no permissions to send instant messages on specified messaging group.
GROUP_DISABLEDSpecified messaging group is disabled on the IM server.
MESSAGE_SENTInstant message was successfully sent.
MESSAGE_SENT_OFFLINEInstant message was successfully sent and stored as offline message on the IM server.
CONTACTS_NOT_DEFINEDUser's Contact List was not received from the IM server becuase the contacts are not organized yet.
CONTACTS_OKUser's Contact List was successfully received from the IM server.
CONTACTS_CHANGEDUser's Contact List was successfully received from the IM server but the contacts has minor changes due to removal/deletion some users on the server.
CONTACTS_NEEDS_TO_REBUILDUser's Contact List was not received from the IM server due to major changes in the users structure on the server. Contacts must be rebuilt by user.
CONTACTS_ADDEDUser's Contact List was successfully received from the IM server but new users can be added to the contacts.
CONTACTS_REBUILTUser's Contact List was rebuilt on the IM server and successfully received by the client.
CONNECTION_CLOSED_AS_EXISTING_ERRORConnection with the IM server has been automatically closed because new user has entered to the IM network under the same user account.