IServerClient::SendMessageTypingEvent method

Sends an instant notification to a remote user if message for him is being typed. The recipient will receive and see "User is typing message..." or other similar notification event in his IM client.

HRESULT SendMessageTypingEvent(     LPDWORD lpTransferMessageTypingEventStruct,     LPDWORD lpdwExtendedCode );


[in] Pointer to a TRANSFER_MESSAGE_TYPING_EVENT_STRUCT structure that contains information on the instant notification.
[out] Pointer to a DWORD variable that gets an extended code if error result is returned. For available codes see Available Extended Codes topic.

Return Value

The function was successful. Check lpdwExtendedCode variable to get extended information.
One or more arguments are incorrect.
Some error occurred in the function. Check lpdwExtendedCode variable to get extended information on the error.


Delivery of message typing event can be disabled on the IM server so it is required to check that ESTABLISH_FLAG_TYPING_EVENT_DISABLED flag is not set returned by IServerClient::GetAccountInformation function.
It is recommended to send a message typing event for each recipient no more than once every 3 seconds to do not overload the IM server with such unused requests and data.