
These base types are used by IServerClientVBA interface to specify and retrieve a various information from/to the IM server by the instant messaging client application.

Types below are defined in CSClient4.bas module which is installed as a part of Bopup IM Client SDK and available at \include subfolder in installation root directory. That module must be imported to a VBA project in order to properly call IServerClientVBA interface methods. To import the module open VBA project and right-click on Modules in the project left tree, then browse and select the file. The module will be added to the project itself and not as a reference to an external file so there are no needs to copy the module file if you wish to distribute a macro to another computers.


AccountStructSpecifies information on a user account. Used to create, modify, save own account and view other user accounts.
ContactListStructRetrieves information on a list of available contacts and Contact List, returns the number of received Organizational Units and contacts.
ContactStructSpecifies or retrieves information on a user contact within a list of available contacts, Contact List and messaging groups.
GroupStructRetrieves information on messaging group.
MessageStructSpecifies or retrieves information on a single instant message.
MessageTypingStructSpecifies or retrieves information on message typing event.
MultipleMessageStructSpecifies or retrieves information on instant message that is sent to multiple recipients.
NotifyGroupStructSpecifies information on assigned messaging group when it is added, changed or removed on the IM server.
OuStructContains information about an Organizational Unit that is used and displayed as a user container within a list of available users and Contact List retrieved from IM server.
RecipientStructSpecifies or retrieves information on each recipient of the instant message that is sent to multiple recipients.
StatusStructSpecifies or retrieves information on user's current presence status.